Motherwort Tincture by Elixir Witch
Sarah, Denver based kitchen witch and apothecarist, hand-crafted this tincture with motherwort from her herb garden. She wants you to know that it was made with love, for you.
Motherwort, meaning "mother's-herb", comes from the Latin name, Leonurus cardiaca or "lion-heart". This lends itself to the understanding of how it supports the heart and nervous system, as well as the emotional body. While motherwort has a long list of medicinal properties, metaphysically it supports courage within ourselves to crumble the brick walls around our hearts in order to create softness within the heart space. The heart space is the center of our generosity and receptiveness (giving and receiving). When our hearts are open we are more able to receive the full magnitude of joyful experiences on this earth plane.
You can utilize this tincture in a multitude of ways. You can work with this herbal medicine when you are experiencing anxiety or worry by placing a few (2-4) drops of this tincture under your tongue. You may also use this tincture 2 or 3 times a day with the intention of healing the heart space, dissolving blockages, or cultivating self-love. This can also be a lovely addition to your meditation practice.